Sunday, March 26, 2006

a mostly good day

Today was a good day. Last night one of my cousins came up to visit. He was escaping from his own problems for a day or two and he and Al and I just went out to have fun. We ate at a new restaurant which turned out to be quite good, we visited a liquor store which I haven't done in I don't know how long, and we came home and played drinking games with a pitcher of some kind of weird drink I invented on the spot which was a lot like margaritas (not frozen) but with a higher tequila content and a little iced tea for good measure because there was already some in the bottom of the pitcher and I didn't bother to pour it out. Then, inexplicably, we were all up and ready this morning not just in time for church but for Sunday school as well. To put this in perspective, I have managed to get out of bed in time for Sunday school exactly once in the past two years, so . . . (I am honestly not the biggest fan of Sunday school. Never have been since I was quite young. I love worship, I enjoy Bible study, but Sunday school leaves me cold.) Sunday school was okay, and then the worship service was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling. I lit a prayer candle today and it wasn't for anything I lack but just for sheer gratitude for what I have. I need more days like this. Of course I spoiled it tonight by watching Gray's Anatomy (even though I think it was a rerun) and it made me cry. But mostly it was a good day.

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